3 things you need to know to avoid damaging your tent.

How to properly store and care for the tent so as not to damage it?

Today, the range of tents is huge, they are available in different weight, size and price categories. If we buy an expensive hiking tent, we expect it to last a long time and not fail in rain or wind. However, it should be noted that even a quality tent can be damaged very quickly if it is not properly stored, used or even washed.

1. Never pack or store your tent when it is damp, wet or dirty.

Storing a wet tent in warm weather for even just 24 hours can cause mold growth.

Mold damages the tent, creates an odor and leads to the degradation of the waterproof coating.

Prolonged exposure to moisture also causes hydrolysis , which makes the material soft, sticky and causes the waterproof layer to break down.

If it is not possible to dry the tent immediately during the hike, do it at the first opportunity. If you must pack a wet tent, it is better to secure it on the outside of your bag rather than in a waterproof pack.

Dry thoroughly after each hike.

Even if the tent feels dry after use, it is always best to make sure the tent is completely dry before storing. After returning from a hike, the tent must be unpacked from the compression package, spread out freely in a dry place and allowed to dry properly for a couple of days. Turn the sides periodically to make sure everything is dry. Even if it hasn't rained during the hike, moisture from condensation can build up inside the tent.

Remember that mold spores multiply in poorly ventilated, warm and humid areas, so store the tent in an uncompressed, breathable cotton or mesh package such as an old pillowcase.

Do not store the tent in its original packaging, as these are usually waterproof and non-breathable. Store in a dry and cool place away from direct sunlight.

2. Do not wash

Washing the tent is not necessary unless it smells or is very muddy.

In modern tents, after drying, the mud simply falls off the surface of the tent without much effort. This is thanks to special processing. Treatments tend to be different (more durable and not so), but their principle of operation is similar - they repel water and dirt.

To extend the life of the tent and improve its water and dirt repellency, the tent can be re-treated with a special product such as Toko Tent Proof .

If the tent is very muddy, use a garden hose or shower pressure to rinse them off.

To clean stains, fold the tent and wash with warm water, a sponge and soap. Do not use stain removers, dishwashing liquid, laundry detergent, bleach or soaking agents. Rinse well. Dry the tent pitched or hanging loose.

Never dry clean the tent or wash it in the washing machine. Either of these methods can remove all waterproof coatings from the tent.

3. Do not leave it erect for a long time

Pitching the tent in the yard and leaving it for the summer is the surest way to damage the tent.

Unless the manufacturer specifically states that the tent has UV protection, such as Coleman camping tents , the tent should not be left pitched for long periods of time.

Lightweight hiking tents are designed for movement - carry in a backpack during the day, put down in the evening and put back in the backpack in the morning and move on.

Tent materials prematurely degrade under the influence of long-term UV radiation. The fabric layers begin to peel off, the tent starts to leak water and it can break even under a small load.

Hope this article was helpful! To serve well!

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